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Academic Writing Coaching Services

Whether you're working on a thesis, dissertation, research paper, or any academic publication, our coaching is tailored to guide you towards academic success and excellence.


Are you striving to elevate your academic writing skills?

Looking for expert assistance to structure your research and articulate your ideas clearly?

An Academic Writing Coach is your partner in academic achievement.

Academic writing demands precision, clarity, and a deep understanding of scholarly conventions. It's a skill critical for students, researchers, and academics alike.

Trivium Writing provides the guidance and support you need to excel in this demanding arena.

What Academic Writing Coaching Is

Academic Writing Coaching is a collaborative process tailored to your scholarly goals.

An academic writing coach will assist you in:

  • Developing a clear and coherent thesis or research question.

  • Structuring your paper or dissertation for maximum impact and clarity.

  • Enhancing your argumentation and evidence presentation skills.

Our coaching is a blend of rigorous academic standards and individualized support, ensuring your academic writing is both proficient and persuasive.


What Writing Coaching Is Not


Academic writing coaching goes beyond editing or proofreading.

While these are important final steps, our coaching focuses on developing your ability to think critically and write effectively in an academic context.

We aim to build your foundational skills in research and argumentation, not just correct the final product.

Many scholars try to navigate academic writing alone, often finding their work lacks coherence or rigor.

Our coaching fills this gap, providing the strategies and insights necessary to produce scholarly work that meets high academic standards.

Academic Writing Coaching: How it Works


Academic writing coaching is dedicated to developing your scholarly writing proficiency.

Together with your coach, you'll set clear academic goals and devise a strategy to achieve them. They'll offer insights into your writing, help you tackle scholarly challenges, and suggest ways to enhance your academic communication.

Trivium Writing’s The Architecture of Writing method is particularly effective for academic writing. It breaks down complex scholarly concepts into manageable components, making the process accessible to academics at all levels.

With our method, you'll notice significant improvements in your writing skills and gain the confidence needed to tackle complex academic projects.

The beauty of The Architecture of Writing is that it boils down writing to its fundamentals. It wastes no time on unnecessary concepts, nor does it use obscure grammatical jargon. Instead, it uses clear, engaging analogies that make sense and meets learners exactly where they are.

With The Architecture of Writing, coachees improve their skills significantly in less than a month and gain incredible confidence in their abilities. They can take their learning not only to the project they are currently working on but to any other writing projects they might ever endeavor.

Why Use Academic Writing Coaching Services

Scholars from diverse academic backgrounds and disciplines seek our Academic Writing Coaching for a variety of impactful reasons, each contributing significantly to their scholarly journey and personal development:

  • To Forge a Robust Thesis or Research Question: Develop a strong, compelling thesis or research question that acts as the cornerstone of your academic work. Our coaching helps you refine your central idea, ensuring it's both viable and intellectually stimulating, paving the way for a meaningful research journey.

  • Navigating the Academic Writing Process: Master the complexities of academic writing, from initial research and data collection to the nuances of presenting your findings. We guide you through each phase, ensuring your academic work is coherent, well-structured, and adheres to scholarly standards.

  • Articulating Complex Ideas with Precision: Learn to express sophisticated and intricate ideas with clarity and conciseness. Our coaching empowers you to communicate complex concepts effectively, making them accessible and engaging to your academic audience.

  • Enhancing Critical Thinking and Analysis: Boost your ability to think critically and analyze data. We focus on honing these essential skills, crucial for dissecting research and presenting compelling arguments, enhancing your overall scholarly prowess.

  • Receiving Customized, Constructive Feedback: Benefit from personalized feedback that not only strengthens your current academic project but also lays a foundation for future scholarly endeavors. Our tailored guidance helps you identify areas for improvement and encourages continuous intellectual growth.

  • Building Confidence in Academic Abilities: Gain confidence in your capability to undertake and complete rigorous academic work. Our coaching provides the support and knowledge necessary to approach your academic challenges with confidence and assurance.


  • Reducing Anxiety and Stress: Alleviate the common stress and anxiety associated with academic writing and research. Our coaching offers strategies to manage these pressures, making your academic journey more enjoyable and less overwhelming. 

  • Developing a Scholarly Voice: Cultivate a distinct scholarly voice that resonates with your academic community. Our coaching aids in finding and refining this voice, crucial for establishing yourself as a credible and respected scholar.

  • Expanding Research Horizons: Open new avenues for research and exploration. Our coaching encourages you to push boundaries and explore uncharted territories in your field of study.

  • Achieving Academic and Professional Goals: Align your academic writing efforts with your broader academic and career aspirations. Our coaching ensures that your scholarly work contributes significantly to achieving your long-term objectives.

  • Fostering Intellectual Curiosity: Reignite and nurture your intellectual curiosity through the process of academic writing. Our coaching encourages you to ask questions, seek answers, and continually engage with new ideas and perspectives.

  • Enhancing Research and Writing Efficiency: Improve your efficiency in conducting research and writing scholarly papers. Our coaching introduces techniques to optimize your workflow, making your academic endeavors more productive and less time-consuming.

  • Creating Impactful and Influential Work: Produce work that not only meets academic standards but also has the potential to influence and contribute significantly to your field. Our coaching guides you in creating impactful research that makes a lasting impression.

  • Personal Satisfaction and Academic Fulfillment: Experience the deep personal satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from mastering the art of academic writing and contributing valuable knowledge to your field.

Trivium Writing's Writing Coaching Services

Our academic writing coaching services are customized to address the specific challenges and aspirations of each scholar. We delve deep into your academic objectives, helping you frame your research and arguments in a structured, coherent manner.

Our approach emphasizes critical thinking and effective communication, core to academic writing. We believe in empowering scholars to not only meet but exceed academic standards, contributing valuable insights to their field of study.

At Trivium, academic writing coaching is a partnership focused on developing your skills as a scholar. We understand the unique challenges of academic writing and offer tools and strategies to overcome them, paving the way for academic success and recognition.

By choosing Trivium Writing, you invest in your scholarly development. You gain not just a well-crafted academic paper but also improved research and writing skills, deeper analytical understanding, and a stronger academic presence.

Our coaching is personalized, recognizing the diverse needs of the academic community. We guide you through the intricacies of academic writing, ensuring your work is not just competent but compelling and insightful.

Book a demo call

Why Choose Trivium Writing for Writing Coaching

At Trivium, we respect and nurture each scholar's intellectual journey.

We combine our proven academic methodology with a deep understanding of your scholarly goals. Our coaching is about fostering intellectual growth, not imposing a one-size-fits-all approach.

Our sessions are designed to stimulate critical thinking and scholarly exploration, adhering to the principle that "The quality of your outcomes depends on the quality of your questions."

If you would like more information about what an academic writing coach is and how to find one, reach out.

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Meet your Trivium Writing Coach

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Leandre Larouche is your Trivium Writing Coach

Leandre Larouche is a writer, writing coach, and consultant.

Working from Toronto most of the time, Leandre is the driving force behind Trivium Writing Inc. and the creator of The Architecture of Writing method.

Leandre's writing interests include philosophy, politics, and personal development, but he also writes about business, writing, and communication. His style blends simplicity and substance. 

Leandre is not only a prolific author but also a trusted advisor on the art of writing. In addition to contributing to over 20 books, has helped 2,455+ individuals worldwide through his books, courses, coaching/consulting, and speaking.

Leandre is a staunch advocate for individual freedom and self-expression, a philosophy that underpins Trivium Writing Inc. at every level.

His mission is to solve the most intricate communication, writing, and publishing challenges for free thinkers and forward-thinking organizations worldwide.

Let's talk

Testimonials for Trivium Writing's Coaching Services

David Diehl testimonial
Willy Gagné testimonial
Sarama Kamal testimonial
Orletta Caldwell testimonial
Gia Lili testimonial
Bernadett Halaj testimonial
Jessica Turner testimonial
John Howard testimonial